A false sense of safety - what is this all about?


VCA and SCC-certified companies are increasingly presented with passes and other documents that are being passed off as proof of having obtained a B-SCC (BVCA / SCC DOK 018) or an SOS-SCC (VOL-VCA / SCC DOK 017) certificate.


The abbreviations B-SCC / BVCA / SCC DOK 018 and SOS-SCC / VOL-VCA / SCC DOK 017 refer to, respectively, the English, Dutch and German ‘Safety Checklist for Contractors’ courses/certificates. In Germany, passes are being issued by organisations like http://safety-work.eu/, https://www.safelyatwork.com/ , http://www.widlaki69.com , http://peritum-bhp.pl/ in Poland.

Safety-work.eu, Safelyatwork.com, Widlaki69.com and Peritum are providers of courses in the areas covered by the Safety Checklist for Contractors (SCC / VCA). They often operate from Germany. In Germany, prior to taking an SCC exam a participant must be able to present proof that they have followed a course lasting three days. On completion of such a course, the providers issue a numbered pass or certificate as proof of completion of a course. This number can be used to do a database search on the website of the provider (similar to our CDR). Though their passes simply state that the holder has followed a course (Schulung), they can give the impression that it is a real B-SCC (BVCA / SCC DOK 018) or a SOS-SCC (VOL-VCA / SCC DOK 017) certificate, with the pass stating, for example, that it is valid for a period of 10 years. There are also several organisations in Belgium and the Netherlands that create confusion by issuing certificates or passes without being an approved examination centre.

Only if an individual is listed in the Central Diploma Register, you can be certain that they have received their official SCC / VCA certificate. HTTPs or https://csm-examen.be/cdr. In Germany you can verify this through DAKKs: https://www.dakks.de/en/accredited-bodies-search.html, the German association of accredited certification bodies. You can also contact VAZ (Verband akkreditierter Zertifizierungsgesellschaften e.V.), the SCC scheme owner in Germany.
On the websites of the approved organisations in the Netherlands (www.vca.nl), Belgium (www.besacc-vca.be) and Germany (www.vaz-ev.de) you will find a list of organisations that issue passes that can lead to confusion (220927-202-NLBE-List).

Please note that passes and documents issued by these organisations do NOT count as official B-SCC (BVCA / SCC DOK 018) or SOS-SCC (VOL-VCA / SCC DOK 017) certificates. Only the exam centres approved by SSVV and CSM are authorised to conduct SCC / VCA exams and to issue certificates and passes. We would like to reiterate that the mere possession of a certificate or pass is never decisive in determining the validity of a SCC / VCA certificate.

What do SSVV, CSM and VAZ ask of VCA or SCC-certified companies or holders of a pass or certificate?

SSVV Netherlands, CSM Belgium and VAZ Germany distance themselves from passes that give the impression that the holder has obtained a B-SCC (BVCA / SCC DOK 018) or SOS-SCC (VOL-VCA / SCC DOK 017) pass, while in reality he has only followed a course and has not passed an official exam. We ask that our VCA and SCC-certified companies be extra vigilant and not accept these passes as a valid SCC / VCA pass.

And we ask the holders of such a course pass or non-verifiable certificate to take the official exam at an examination centre approved by SSVV, CSM or VAZ. This will minimize your chances of being rejected at the gate due to lack of training. Please notify us if you come across similar documents and/or passes.

We want to reiterate that the only way to verify the validity of a SCC / VCA certificate is to consult https://cdr.ssvv.nl/ or https://csm-examen.be/cdr. If a certificate is not listed in one of these databases, it is not an official, valid document.


Publication date: November 7th, 2022
Updated: April 4, 2024